Three Basic Ways I Learned to Communicate That Made Me 10X Better at Relationships

#3. Make it addicting

Francis Ekwunife
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

I used to stink at relationships.

I sucked at communication.

And every time I tried to solve conflicts in my relationships I made it worse with my anger.

I destroyed every relationship I was in due to my lack of communication skills.

However, I learned the three basic ways to communicate.

Doing this has made me 10x better at relationships.

And I want to share them so you can have the same experience as me.

So, let’s dive in.

Basic Way #1: Be a royal but treat them like one too

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Be confident when you talk with those you’re in a relationship with.

Don’t feel inferior around them. But also respect them.

Talk to them like they’re a royal but be one yourself. It’s how you get 10x better at your relationships.

“We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” — Albert Schweitzer

My parents are good at communicating in their marriage.

They talk to each other with respect but they also know their worth.

What I learned to do:

  • I appreciate those I know and remind them how awesome they are and how much they mean to me.
  • I work on my confidence.
  • I don’t let my ego get in the way when communicating with those I know.

Basic Way #2: Listen actively

Photo by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash

Communicating isn’t always about talking.

It’s also about concentrating on what they have to say.

Listen to and act on what they say.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” — Stephen R. Covey

I prefer listening to understand than listening to reply.

Because when I listen to respond I often cause more trouble.

What I do instead:

  • When someone is talking, I stay calm and force myself not to cut in.
  • I focus on the speaker, and what they’re saying, and try to understand them.
  • And if I agree with them, I do as they say.

Basic Way #3: Make it addicting

Photo by Maggie Markel on Unsplash

If you want to get 10x better at your relationships and better at communicating,

Make your communication space and communication so addicting, you leave them begging for more.

Make your speech one people can’t do without.

“The only reason to give a speech is to change the world.” — John F. Kennedy

People like talking to me.

Just yesterday, I met a friend I don’t talk to frequently but he was so excited to talk to me.

How I do it:

  • When I talk, I transfer value, knowledge, and wisdom to my listeners.
  • I don’t talk too much.
  • I make sure my speech builds the mind of the other person.

Three basic ways to communicate better and become 10x better at relationships:

  • Be confident when you talk with those you’re in a relationship with but also respect them.
  • Listen with the intent to understand not with the intent to reply.
  • Give value and knowledge when you speak. Talk less. And build the minds of the other person when you talk.

What was your favourite point? Let me know why in the comments.

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Francis Ekwunife

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