Three Fates at Sunrise

Nicola POWYS
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2023


A hymn to the power of Nature to build resilience.

Girl on Beach. Drawing by the author.

A light grey thread pulls the horizon into the dawn, bisecting the enveloping black night that has wrapped her for an age.

Still, hardly breathing, she stands stock — listening to the waves lap, the shingle shurr on the shore…

She stands straight, rooted as rock. Her heart beats the rhythm of the ancient song, sending the vibrations into the solar plexus of the Mother as she loses herself to the beat bone moment of being…

Light quickens imperceptibly as a woman steps, fully formed and purposeful, out of the brine. Young, naked — shadow dark on velvet black — she emerges upright from the lamp-black shallows, wriggles into a waiting blanket, then sits, staring, drying her seaweed hair…

Two women waiting…

Here is a third, tiptoeing down the steps. An old hand, she treads lightly — slinks softly to her usual spot against the wall without dislodging a single pebble — and readies her camera for the show.

Light is darkest before the dawn and for these few minutes before the horizon unzips, it offers the three immunity from the spotlight of expectation — the charged silence manifesting intention from the ancient elements of rock and water as each woman gives in to the strength of nature and Gaia —( a mother…



Nicola POWYS

Artist, activist and writer using words and paint existentially. Find my artwork here: htpps//