3 Incredible Apps Which Maximise My Productivity

I’m learning it’s better to use more than one app for my productivity needs.

davíð matthías


Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

It’s always been a temptation to use one app for all my productivity needs.

I think it’s an aspect of my personality to want to go “all in” with something. All or nothing. Not “a bit of this and a bit of that.”

But I’m learning, rather slowly, that isn’t ideal when it comes to productivity.

Four things I need an app to do.

My main four main productivity requirements in life are task management, calendar, reminders, and long-form writing.

Naturally, I’ve been on the lookout for an app that would flawlessly and smoothly allow me to do all these things.

When I’ve found an app I especially like, I’ve tried to make it do what I want, but without complete success.

For example, Obsidian.

I used Obsidian for a long time.

I love writing in it.

No other app can compete with Obsidian for long-form writing.

And of course, I then wanted to do everything in it.

