Three Reasons why It’s Time to Stop with Listicles

Listicles, or ‘List Based Articles’ are about as 2020 as you can get. Let them go.



Photo by Creaslim on Unsplash

What exactly is it about listicles that makes this particular type of article the default for the internet? Why have we relegated ourselves to this medium to formulate our posts?

I tend to notice this more with self-help and self-improvement natured posts over any other posts in my reading journey. However, it’s easier for me to pinpoint when an author was trying to stretch for the sake of just pushing out a story versus actually making a concerted effort to put out a meaningful post.

So, since you are all my friends, and I’m just here to help, I present to you, a listicle! Here are my reasons for letting the listicles go.

We are in a time of new beginnings. A ‘New Normal’, if you will. Try something new!

Yes, I know, you’ve only heard the term ‘New Normal’ more than you’ve probably heard a person say anything else this year. We’re in the middle of a Pandemic, we can’t go anywhere without wearing masks, and coughing in public has now become about as taboo as, well, anything.




It’s me 😊. I give my random opinion on various aspects of Technology, Life, and everything else in between.