
Three Self-Improvement Hacks That Transformed My Life

Taking you through my three top self-improvement hacks

Alex maccrindle


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Hello, all! Today, I want to take you on a personal journey — one that’s been transformative and, at times, incredibly challenging. We’ll be talking about self-improvement, a topic very dear to my heart. I’m excited to share with you three hacks that have significantly changed my life for the better. And, I believe, they can do the same for you.

1. Embracing the Magic of Tiny Habits

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A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon the concept of ‘Tiny Habits’, a revolutionary approach introduced by BJ Fogg. The central idea of this approach is that great changes start small — almost inconspicuously small.

To give you a glimpse, I always wanted to cultivate a regular reading habit. However, every time I set myself a lofty goal, such as reading a chapter a day, I found myself overwhelmed and falling off the wagon in no time. When I discovered the ‘Tiny Habits’ approach, I decided to start small — just one page per day.

The results were astonishing! Starting small took off the pressure, making reading more enjoyable rather than a task. Over time, one page led to two, then a chapter, and before I knew it, I was reading more books than I had in years. The ‘Tiny Habits’ approach taught me that the key to lasting change is in consistent, incremental improvements.

2. Mastering Productivity with the Two-Minute Rule

Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

If you’re like me and sometimes find procrastination creeping into your life, then you’ll appreciate the ‘Two-Minute Rule.’ This concept, introduced by productivity guru David Allen, became my secret weapon against procrastination.

The rule is this: if a task takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Instead of postponing and allowing these tasks to pile up, ticking them off immediately frees up mental space and leaves you more time for bigger, more meaningful tasks.

I started using this rule for small chores around the house and even quick email responses. The immediate sense of accomplishment also served as a catalyst, making it easier to tackle larger tasks. The ‘Two-Minute Rule’ has significantly improved my productivity and reduced stress by keeping procrastination at bay.

3. Harnessing the 5 Second Rule for Breakthroughs

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Finally, I want to share with you an incredibly effective technique I’ve used in moments of hesitation or doubt: the “5 Second Rule.” This simple yet impactful rule was developed by Mel Robbins, a motivational speaker and author who stumbled upon it accidentally during a challenging period in her life.

The rule is as follows: the moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds, or your brain will stop you. By counting backwards, 5–4–3–2–1, and then immediately taking action, you shift the gears in your brain, bypassing your usual hesitation and self-doubt.

There was a time in my life where I was terrified of public speaking, to the point of it affecting my professional growth. One day, an unexpected opportunity presented itself. I was asked to speak at a conference with a large audience. I remember the knots in my stomach, the fear threatening to choke my voice.

Then, I remembered the “5 Second Rule”. As I felt the apprehension rise, I counted backwards in my head: 5–4–3–2–1. Then, with my heart pounding in my chest, I said yes. This marked the start of my journey to overcome my fear of public speaking. The five-second countdown didn’t magically erase my fear, but it helped me act despite it. With time and practice, my fear diminished.

The “5 Second Rule” has become a powerful tool in my personal growth arsenal. I’ve used it to push through the fear of rejection, to begin difficult conversations, and to get started on tasks I was inclined to procrastinate. In moments where I know I need to act, but resistance sets in, counting backwards from five has often provided the nudge I needed to step out of my comfort zone and take action.

Final Thoughts:

Incorporating these three transformative hacks has significantly changed my life. It’s been a journey of building better habits, becoming more productive, and pushing past my fears and resistance.

I highly recommend reading “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. It’s a captivating read that provides practical strategies to push through moments of self-doubt and fear. Remember, the journey of self-improvement isn’t about huge leaps, but about taking small, consistent steps forward. So, count down from five, and take that first step. The journey might be challenging, but I assure you, it will be rewarding. Happy improving!


