Three Things About Medium I Can Live Without

Weird trending stories, highlighting madness, comment jungle

Zul Bal


Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash

About a month and half ago I set a daily writing goal of 10-minutes. During these 10-minute-long sprints, I’ve been capturing random thoughts not to share, but to practice writing about. One recent day, an idea to turn some of these thoughts into a post came to me. Because, why not?

Today, my thoughts turn to annoying features of Medium I can live without.

Recently the Medium’ CEO, Ev Williams wrote:

“You know when you reply to an email that has an attachment and you add someone but that new person on the thread doesn’t get the attachment? How is there still no quick fix for that in email/Gmail? And what’s more efficient — hitting forward and adding the new person and then re-adding the original sender (plus anyone else) or hitting reply and then reattaching?”

Upon reading this, I rolled my eyes and wondered about similar inefficiencies on Medium. Despite being incredibly user-friendly, Medium has some features I find more annoying than useful.

Highlight notification madness

What’s up with notifying us about anyone and everyone highlighting anything and everything we highlight? Isn’t it a bit too…



Zul Bal

I write to collect, capture, and curate ordinary beautiful ideas.