Three Things That Make This Gun Bill Alarming

Americans are armed to the hilt, but this bill is extreme.

Bebe Nicholson


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Texas Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is sponsoring a new gun control bill introduced in The House on January 1, 2021, and there are three aspects of the proposal that should alarm people concerned about our civil liberties.

The Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act, or H.R. 127, is named for Sabika Sheikh, a 17-year-old Pakistani exchange student who was among eight students and two teachers killed in the 2018 Santa Fe school shooting attack.

Sabika’s death, like all deaths by random gun violence, was a tragedy. The teenager had been due to return home to Pakistan in just a few weeks, before the Muslim festival of Eid. Instead, her body was flown back to Pakistan.

We all want to be safe. Nothing is more horrific than a school shooting, and gun violence has been escalating at a terrifying rate. The bill calls for the Attorney General, through the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives, to establish a system for licensing the possession of firearms or ammunition for every gun in the country.

Americans are armed to the hilt, with a record 40 million guns bought in 2020 and another 4.1 million in January of this year. Sales surged in the wake of the…



Bebe Nicholson

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs.