Metabolic Health

Three Tips to Prevent Muscle Loss and Maintain a Defined Body

I offer one challenging and two easy steps to achieve these two health, fitness, and lifestyle goals.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
Published in
13 min readDec 1, 2022


Photo by Duren Williams on Pexels

This story offers three practical solutions.

I present two comfortable practices and a challenging one for you. They include only lifestyle choices and cover the fundamentals of our metabolic health. So, building and maintaining lean muscles at any age with healthy lifestyle habits is possible.

If you do the easy ones, you can prevent muscle loss and even might burn visceral fat. They might give you an 80% improvement. But if you want a defined body which I consider 20%, you will undoubtedly need to do the challenging one, as there is no metaphorical free lunch on this planet.

However, the good news is even the challenging one does not require too much work. All you need is around 20 minutes of your time daily. If you make it a habit, you might even enjoy it, and it will never look like a chore. I know this by heart because I did it myself and observed it in others.

Like millions of people, I am obsessed with muscle health for valid reasons. Muscle health is crucial for mobility, wellness…



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: