Three Ways to Improve Your Emotional Stability

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3 min readJun 23, 2023
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

In the recent past, I have been assessing my own mental stability in terms of how I react and interpret small unexpected disappointments and whether I allow them to affect how I treat people who are near me.

I have come to realise that our state of mental health can overreach into our business relationships since it affects our state of mind and how we think.

Getting lost in spirals of worry and anxiety or getting stuck in bouts of depression and getting angry at the smallest difficulty is an early sign that you need to evaluate your emotional stability.


If you are a startup founder, this could affect how you interact with your colleagues because you could transfer personal or family issues into the business.

Entrepreneurs and professionals alike find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of deadlines, competition, and high-pressure situations.

However, the importance of emotional stability cannot be understated, as it directly impacts decision-making, relationships, and overall well-being.


Let us delve into the story of my friend Mark, a successful businessman who learned the significance of emotional stability and discovered ways to cultivate it.

Mark was an ambitious entrepreneur with a brilliant mind for business. He had a knack for identifying opportunities and turning them into profitable ventures.

However, as his empire grew, so did the stress and pressure on his shoulders.

His once calm demeanor was now replaced with anxiety, impatience, and mood swings, affecting his interactions with employees, clients, and loved ones.

He knew something needed to change if he wanted to sustain his success.

Self-discovery and personal growth

Recognizing the importance of emotional stability, Mark embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

He sought guidance from mentors, read books on emotional intelligence, and attended workshops on stress management.

Gradually, he began to implement various strategies to regain control over his emotions.

First and foremost, Mark prioritized self-care. He realized that taking care of his physical and mental well-being was paramount to achieving emotional stability.

Regular exercise, meditation, and sufficient sleep became non-negotiable parts of his routine. These practices helped him develop resilience and manage stress more effectively.

Embrace vulnerability

Moreover, Mark learned to embrace vulnerability and express his emotions openly.

Rather than bottling up his frustrations or anxieties, he found solace in confiding in trusted friends and family members.

Through their support, he gained fresh perspectives and practical advice to tackle challenging situations.

In addition, Mark became adept at cultivating self-awareness. He began observing his thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing him to understand their underlying causes.

This awareness enabled him to pause and respond consciously instead of reacting impulsively.

He practiced mindfulness techniques that helped him stay present and focused, even amidst chaos.

Remarkable changes

As Mark honed his emotional stability, he noticed remarkable changes in his professional and personal life.

His decision-making became more rational and objective, leading to better outcomes for his business. He built stronger relationships with his team, as they felt valued and understood.

Clients and partners admired his composed demeanor, which inspired trust and confidence.

The journey towards emotional stability was not without its challenges for Mark.

Self reflection

It required consistent effort, self-reflection, and a willingness to change. However, the rewards were immeasurable, both professionally and personally.

Through his experiences, Mark learned that emotional stability is a skill that can be developed and nurtured.

It is a lifelong process of self-improvement, requiring patience, persistence, and a growth mindset.

By investing in emotional stability, individuals can unlock their full potential and create lasting success in the dynamic world of business.

In a Nutshell

In conclusion, emotional stability is a critical factor in business success. It enables individuals to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and foster meaningful relationships.

By prioritizing self-care, embracing vulnerability, cultivating self-awareness, and practicing mindfulness, individuals can enhance their emotional stability and thrive in the competitive business landscape.

Mark’s story serves as an inspiration, reminding us that emotional stability is not just a luxury but a necessity for sustainable success in business and in life.




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