Through the Lens of Love

A short poem to recognize the beauty in you — and in humanity

Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency


Corfu, Greece (by Simona Ondrejkova)

Let the sun’s rays wash away every thought
that does not empower you
to allow your magnificent self to shine.

Let the sun melt away
those layers of society’s caked-on ideas
that you are somehow inadequate or incomplete.

You are perfect in your state of infinite growth into perfection.
The process itself is perfection playing out.

Let the sun reveal the brightness
you haven’t allowed yourself to see — in yourself and others.

For underneath our collective shadows and labels
of what’s right and wrong
— here we are —
naked, alive, aware, present, and perfectly human.

Here we are,
learning to see ourselves
through the clear lens of love’s transparency.

In that space we always know each other as One.
One ball of magnificence seeing itself
through an infinite…



Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency

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