Tick-Tock: Time Winds Up Winning

Erstwhile days of glory: ephemeral, as foretold

Elizabeth Emerald


Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

2015: journal entry

On last Wednesday’s morning run, I passed my frequent “fly-by” favorites, Maggie and Claire (respectively: dog and owner). As I whizzed by — relative to their “out-for-business” pace — Claire called out: “Who are you chasing?”

I called back: “The perfect man — and I haven’t caught him yet.” (Truth be told. the clever comeback didn’t pop into my mind until two days thereafter.)

Who am I chasing?

Myself. I’m trying to keep up with myself. My fastest self. In races, I’d rather beat my own best time and lose to a 7-minute miler, than win a prize on a slow day because nobody faster showed up. I’d trade dollars for seconds if I could, 10-to-1: “Here are 600 bucks, shave a minute off my pace, please.”

Yet, as I chase myself, desperate to beat the clock, to best my time, Time is chasing me. So far Time has been biding itself. Like a sneaky SOB who suddenly sprints ahead at the finish line, after having lagged at a seemingly safe distance the 3 miles prior, Time lulls me into thinking I’m going to win.

So far, Time has graciously allowed me to pass milestones unchallenged. Time has generously compensated me for sundry sags…



Elizabeth Emerald

Kindly indulge my sundry (a)musings re living and loving. Please pass my words — wise and otherwise — to anyone who might relate and enjoy. Cheers.