Tiger Stripes

Marks of the Motherhood Tribe

Breanna Lowman


Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

She called them tiger stripes,
the trail of willowy lines
now embellishing my skin.

But I called them stretch marks,
the pattern of cobweb veins
now streaking across my form.

She called them tiger stripes,
the marks of a warrior
symbols of strength.

But I called them stretch marks,
the marks of misfortune
symbols of ugliness.

She called them tiger stripes,
and looked at hers and mine
with wonder and pride.

But I called them stretch marks,
and glared at them with disgust
wondering how to scratch them off.

My midwife gave stretch marks a new name
She dared to see beauty and power
In things labeled as imperfections
She encouraged the glorification
Of the feminine ability to bring forth life
She emboldened my inner goddess
And I found the wild woman within

Tiger stripes adorn my body
They are the etchings of my story
Engravings of pain and of beauty
They are the tribal marks of motherhood…



Breanna Lowman

Poet, writer, creative enthusiast. Wife and mother of three. Lover of different cultures and perspectives. Passionate about authenticity and bridge building.