TikTok, Ocean Spray, and Fleetwood Mac Get It- Do You?

Riding the wave on a musical longboard ain’t bad.

Jeanna Isham


Remember the Ocean Spray-drinking, long board-riding, Fleetwood Mac-lip-syncing, TikTok guy? If you’re not familiar with this lovely story, read this.

In a gist, Nathan’s truck broke down. He had to get to work. So he grabbed his longboard and juice and cruised on down the road. While en route, he opened up TikTok and did a chill rendition of Fleetwood Mac’s song ‘Dream’ while sipping a Cran Raspberry.

The result was insanely viral.

Ocean Spray had nothing to do with it. Fleetwood Mac had nothing to do with it. But both benefited by riding Nathan’s wave.

Organic creativity breeds relatability

With one song and a relatable guy, Ocean Spray was able to get in touch with a broader and younger than usual demographic and Fleetwood Mac’s music sales tripled.

How did this happen?

Organically and unprompted by either company or band, Nathan did it his way because…he wanted to. He saw it as a way to pass the time and did a sincere shout out.

With Nathan’s casual nods…



Jeanna Isham

Sound Strategist 🎵/ Podcaster 🎙️ / Author 📖 Subscribe to the Sound In Marketing Newsletter for monthly news ➡️ http://eepurl.com/gDxl6b