Time is not Always on Time
Time is sometimes late
Did you know that?
It depends on our perspective.
In a way, we all experience this in our daily lives.
Don’t you sometimes look at your clock, thinking an hour passed, only to see that a few hours passed instead (usually when you are enjoying your time)?
And don’t you other times look at the clock thinking an hour passed, when in fact only 5 minutes passed (especially when you really want the time to pass)?
We intuitively know this about time — it can be misleading (and unfair).
Before I continue, I wanted to let you know that this time I decided to try something different with my article.
I thought, why not create a story?
Or even better, why not your story?
And by “your” I mean you.
So, this is the story about you and your new friends, Alexa and Alexie
And all the things you’ll find out together about time, movement, relativity and invariance.
I hope you enjoy it. So…
You met Alexa and Alexie one cold, dark night…