Time is Running Out. Wake Up

Are you doing justice with your time?

Fasiha Imran


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

You often have read about the importance of time management. Which strategies to adopt? Those points make us realize that we should not waste time. We must spend time doing something productive.

Here I will investigate the theme behind time that how and why we should use it effectively. Let’s analyze the TIME acronym through its ten different but correlated definitions.

#1. Things I May Enjoy

Are you enjoying your time? If no, then you should do. Make a list of all those things that you enjoy. It can be your hobby, your passion, your studies, and all those things in which you can involve yourself.

#2. Time, Intention, Money, Energy

Give time to work on what you intend to do.

Spend time in learning those skills that help you make money.

Indulge your time in activities that boost your energy. It includes taking proper sleep, a healthy diet, and meditation.

#3. Things I Must Experience

Is there anything you want to experience for long? Yet, that should be something beneficial for you and society. Find that stuff and move on. Do it once or twice and then…



Fasiha Imran

Taking Small Steps to achieve my BIG Dreams. I write about Self-Improvement, Self-Awareness, Life Lessons, & Writing. https://fasiha345.medium.com/membership