Time to Go [EB219]

Stalling Only Makes It Worse

Eric Fermon™


Artwork Courtesy of Author, All Rights Reserved

Time to Go

Birthdays normally come and go without much recognition but this one was a doozy. I wish losing count was an option, I’d at least have an excuse to lie about my age if it were. Fortunately the year 2775 is going well even if I don’t much like the fact that I was born at the turn of the century. Like they always say, “age is just a number anyway.” Besides it’s time to go and stalling will only make it worse.

I really wish I couldn’t remember some of the things that happened last night. Fortunately no one was physically harmed, although the same can’t be said about Georgettes feelings. Why did I ever get involved with her in the first place? I must be hung over just thinking about it at this focus level. Damn, I know I shouldn’t have had that much Zanitol, but it was my celebration after all and I enjoyed at least most of the party.

Georgette and I go back pretty far having met her on Earth Base219 33 years ago. I guess I owe her an apology for bringing up an awkward incident that happened between myself and her sister when we were all stationed on EB219 seven years ago. Plus she still thinks I don’t care enough about what happened to her sister Silvia. She only knows that her sister disappeared after the Urite shipment hijacking occurred 10 weeks ago on Oberon. Zanitol’s…



Eric Fermon™

USAF Veteran, AT&T, Author of: How to Get Your Dream Car; Available at Barnes&Nobel, iBookstore, Lulu.com! Know Your Calling & Stay In Motion!