Time will save you

But you don’t need to save yourself?

Oyebamiji Taiwo


A picture of a moving train passing through a tunnel at very high speed. The picture depicts the passing of time.
Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

Does the name Turin Brakes ever ring a bell? Most of you here on Medium may be familiar with their hit song ‘Time Will Save You’ which happens to be one of my best songs ever. You will notice that I used the pronoun ‘their’; that has not always been the case. I have always thought that the Turin Brakes is the name of this big-time artiste whose song I earlier mentioned I have grown to love so much, but alas, that is not the case. It turns out Turin Brakes are a modern folk pop duo comprising two friends, Olly Knights and Gale. But is that really the most important thing here? You may want to ask: have I never held any fascination for the works of other artistes like I do Turin Brakes? Of course, I have, but not like this!

Just this morning, I was going through something. I was burdened by some thoughts going through my mind. My state of mind for the past couple of months hasn't been the best it has always been for ages, and often I have resorted mostly to music or movies (particularly good music) as a form of therapy just to get my sh*t together. Has this always worked for me? Of course, it has! Sometimes I get to discover some songs through the movies that I watch. So, sometime last month, I saw the movie ‘Designator Survivor’ and I was moved by the ‘Time Will Save You’ soundtrack that played in the background somewhere in the first episode of the movie. I couldn’t be more thrilled by this amazing soundtrack that gave more meaning and depth to the scene I was seeing on my screen. What caused me to fall into my state of mind in the first place? I bet you’d want to know.

A picture of a sparkling red neon light that bears the words: ‘Music for the people’.
Photo by Tallie Robinson on Unsplash

You see, life just has a crazy way of throwing us some curveballs sometimes. More true is the fact that life has a damn good way of throwing a spanner in the works of our happiness from time to time. One bad incident in my life has made me question whether life was worth living—you call that depression? You couldn't be more right! If you care to know, I have been badly hurt, my soul battered. I have been betrayed by people so close to me that I have now lost all sense of trust in humanity. And all this while, I have been searching for healing—the kind of healing that will not fade away anytime soon, even when I know this will most likely take time. But how could human beings be so wicked, selfish, inconsiderate, and untrustworthy, to such an extent as to hurt another human being this badly? I won’t go into details on this. But again, what made ‘Time Will Save You’ click so well with me? The message of the lyrics to the song was just what I needed, at the right time.

A picture of a lady fondling a guitar. She appears to be playing the guitar while enjoying he moment.
Photo by Mariana Vusiatytska on Unsplash

The song is so therapeutic, is the first thing I’d say. I got hooked on the song right from the very first verse, starting with:

Tired eyes, maybe you’ve seen too much
Tired heart, every end has a start
If you find yourself in trouble, falling off track,
Would you come back
Would you come back
Would you come back…

And then I couldn’t help myself from falling in love with the rest of the verse, particularly where it says:

And if you need me now,
You know I am here
For the deepest scars disappear

But the verse I found a little bit contentious is this one:

Time will save you
You don’t need to save yourself
Sorry eyes of those left behind
When we were kids do these thing we oblige
If you find yourself alone, with no need to call home…

Time will save you; you don’t need to save yourself? Talk of being caught between a rock and a hard place! Or is that not it? Or maybe not, just like we both guessed. Time, it says, will save you. I mean, certainly, but how long will that take? And what is this I hear: ‘You don’t need to save yourself?’ Like seriously?! Now, time for the big question: what is the message of this song, and why does it resonate with me so much? It is a message of hope, and of assurance, even in the face of difficulty or hurt. But personally, what emotional impact has this song had on me?

The picture of a plant just sprouting from the soil under the bright orange sun.
Photo by Daniel Mirlea on Unsplash

Being the gentle and introspective folk-rock song that it is, “Time Will Save You” resonates with us listeners who feel lost or overwhelmed, offering comfort and encouragement. Its lyrics explore themes of self-doubt, resilience, and the passage of time. More fascinating is that its acoustic guitar-driven melody and Olly Knights’ soothing vocals create a calming and reflective atmosphere, making the song speak directly to our souls. Talk of an evergreen song that will serve many of us who are coping with one pain or another in good stead for a very long time.

So yeah, time will save you, and you will probably not need to save yourself. In other words, Time, the silent savior, may grant you respite, rendering self-rescue unnecessary! We just have to find a way to keep going on our journey through life, no matter what!

So, what do you think?

Photo by Michael Effendy on Unsplash

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Oyebamiji Taiwo

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