Tips To Better Your Lifestyle While Working In Corporate.

Jaspreet Kaur
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Monotonous is the word I can use to describe my average working days at the office.

I’ve observed it’s not just with me but every single person around me waits for the weekend to actually re-fuel themselves and the reason is quite obvious too because the whole week we have the same routine where we get up at a particular time, get ready half-heartedly, reach office, work (sometimes cluelessly), wait for the day-end, get back home, lay down at bed, eat mindlessly, scroll through social media, and sleep amidst that scrolling.

Most people, especially the younger generation who are in their mid-twenties and just started their corporate journey, can relate to this. Although, few have figured out how to balance this with a better lifestyle but numbers are very low.

It took me a while too to get better and I’m still trying to inculcate a better routine. Here are a few things I am doing to improve my lifestyle and achieve more productivity at work.

  1. Preparing my To-Dos’ at the EOD. I try to prepare my mind, a day before in terms of the tasks I’d have for the next day to avoid the “cluelessness” at work. A lot of times, I miss the deadlines just because my first half of the day gets consumed to understand what exactly needs to be done. (which is sad, I know ;) )
  2. Slow mornings. It’s very difficult when you have to wake up early, get ready, and reach the office on time, your mornings can’t be slow in the literal ways but at least try to have a 10-minute time for yourself just after you wake up. It is magical. The whole day lits up just with this 10-minute self-time. All you need to do is prepare yourself positively for the day.
  3. Less Caffeine, More Water. We can’t just totally avoid caffeine, especially, the people like me who are addicted to coffee. But I’ve tried to cut down 2 cups from my daily intake. And got a big 2 lt water bottle so that I have a target in front of me to achieve.
  4. Count your steps. Working out gets harder to manage, although it is necessary to carve some time for exercise daily if that’s not possible for you due to any reason, you should reach your daily goal of 10k steps at least, majorly by taking stairs instead of lifts, keep getting up from the seat after a while and take a short walk.
  5. Colorful Diet. Try to include as much veggies as you can in your diet. The more colorful veggies I included in my diet, the more refreshing my body started feeling.
  6. Connect with close ones. Earlier I used to wait for the weekends to call my family and friends. It was like a task to me that I had to check-mark this on the weekends but I’ve changed my approach now. Daily I take an hour after having my dinner, where I talk to my family or any friend, whatever the mood feels like.
  7. Try not to use your phone before sleeping. I like reading. So, right before sleeping, I prefer to keep my phone aside and read until I fall asleep. This has improved my sleep quality a lot.
  8. Utilize Weekends Well. Weekends are for re-fuelling yourselves, so make sure to take time for the things you love doing, meeting people you couldn’t take time for, hanging out with friends and family, traveling, and exploring new places.

These were some of the hacks that improved my productivity at work and enhanced my lifestyle.

When you give as much attention as your brain and body need, you automatically feel healthy and productive. By having a better diet, proper hydration, and required movement of your body, you prevent yourself from feeling physically lethargic. With better periods of sleep and slow mornings, you allow your mind to be relaxed. Your soul feels refreshed when you connect with your loved ones and give time to the things you love doing, be it traveling, reading, writing, or playing any sport.

What do you do to be more productive at work!?



Jaspreet Kaur

I'm a full time corporate employee living in India. I like writing, reading, travelling and trying different things to break my comfort zone.