Tips to Increase Your Writing Productivity

How to improve your mornings and stay productive throughout the day

Kristina Segarra
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash

There is beauty to waking up early in the morning as you can get so much stuff done. However, if you’re not a morning person like me, it can be tough.

As much as I tried to consistently go to bed early, I’m just naturally not a morning person. I’d always been tired and sluggish in the morning. My brain was shut off and I couldn’t write.

However, I saw the importance of doing work early in the morning, as you can get so much done. And since I’m also a parent with two kids, mornings are a golden time for me to write while the kids are still sleeping.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

— Benjamin Franklin

If you aren’t a morning person and you wish you could be more productive in the morning, I can offer you some tips. The key is to start the day right and incorporate “power” foods into your diet.

Start your day right

How you start your morning and what you eat throughout the day can either make or break your productivity. Think of your body as a power machine. If you supply it…



Kristina Segarra
Curated Newsletters

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: