Tired Woman

Why can’t I stop asking questions

1 min readFeb 9, 2022


HaticeEROL on Pixabay

Do I look pretty? Do I look beautiful? Do I look like a Goddess?

Do I look like I care?

Why is my self-worth tied to my beauty, my looks, my weight? Why do women tell me I will get married quickly because of how I look, or tell me to lose weight because no man will want to marry me?

Why must I ask so many questions? Why do I never feel good enough?

Why do I find myself comparing myself to any woman whose path I cross?

Why do I feel like I should love myself and hate myself at the same time?

Am I pretty enough? Am I skinny enough? Why does the real question feel like am I brain dead enough?

Why can’t I look at food and not think will that make me fat? Why can’t I eat something and fully enjoy it, not even for once?

Why do I feel guilt attached to every action I make? Who will that hurt, who will judge me for them?

Why are there so many why’s?




Just a second generation gal trying to write her story out to make sense of life