We’re Ghosts In The Machine, You And Me

A poem about feeling lost in the digital age

Paul Speed


We’re ghosts in the machine, you and me,
Unmoored and adrift in a digital sea.
Green waves of code keep pushing us under,
Stormclouds of ones and zeros of thunder.

I can’t feel this ocean, I can’t touch this sand,
This illusive existence I don’t understand.
I guess it’s too late to cancel my ride?
But there’s no-one to ask on this cyber tide.

The shore of the past has faded from sight,
My offline dreams now lost to the night.
A voyage to the future is scary alone,
But at least I have you … you and your phone.

I turn to talk, but your face is all blue,
Bathed in the light of that square-shaped view.
I’ll text you a message, then maybe you’ll see,
How we’re just ghosts in the machine, you and me.



Paul Speed

Musings about music, mainly. Somehow have become a Top Writer in Music and Creativity 😊