To Be Amused

A Poem About My Play

Mac's Musings
Jun 11, 2024


Enjoying some bliss at the Green River in Utah with my lovely girlfriend. Photo taken by Author.

I cannot help but to be amused,

contemplating the last few ironic years.

So much happiness and bliss abused,

so much shame, so many tears.

I cannot help but feel amazed,

rising from the ashes like a flaming bird.

Sometimes feeling crazed,

hanging on every word.

I found that it is powerful to know that I write the script,

and to remember that I can set the stage.

I am born for this role and well-equipped,

to steal the scenes and ripen with age.

I cannot help but to smile,

making it happen each day.

Understanding this life is worthwhile,

enjoying my stay.

To Be Amused enjoying the drama of the play.

Enjoying the “Drama” — Laughing, Learning, & Loving. Photo taken by Author.



Mac's Musings

Sharing poems, short stories, life experiences to encourage and inspire.