NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 5

To Be Healed

Three uniquely burdened souls share their perspectives

Antonio Segovia, MD.
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024


Image By Author with DALL·E

To be healed, said the woman with depression,
is to greet the dawn without the weight
of an unseen anchor,
to feel the warmth of the sun
not just on your skin,
but in the depths of your chest,
where once only cold shadows dwelled.
It’s to laugh without needing a reason,
and to find that God’s grace
is not a distant myth,
but a light that fills you,
as sunlight fills a room in the morning.

To be healed, said the man with anxiety,
is to stand amid a storm
and not feel the need to run,
to see the future not as a monster lurking,
but as a path that welcomes your steps.
It’s to hold a moment without the fear
of its passing,
to breathe deeply and evenly
in a room that no longer closes in,
but opens out
into landscapes of peace.
Her calm, a scent that lingers,
inviting, not overwhelming.



Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.