To-Do Lists Can Help Get Rid of Your Anxiety

To-do lists have the power to alleviate all the stress from you but can also make you more stressed.

Michael Bao
3 min readDec 10, 2020


Photo by Workshop& on Unsplash

I would recommend you use a to-do list. Because they can help you keep track of anything to get done and what you have already done.

For example, when I have a lot of tasks due soon, I would constantly check if I had finished the tasks. So checklists and to-do lists help with making sure that you get something done. Because when you finish a task you can be sure that you checked it off and finished it.

All these things are great, but there are downsides. One, they can make you more stressed if you have a lot of work and it's a long list.

The way I combat this is to make bigger tasks have smaller sub-tasks. So I keep chipping in one large task; then after that it becomes more manageable. It will also help you keep track of what you need to do in a large project.

To-do list applications

Todoist. Todoist is a great to-do list because it includes all you need in their app. There is a premium plan which has all you need while there is also a free plan which has basic needs, without all the extra features. The premium plan is $4/month.

Tick Tick. Tick Tick is very similar to Todoist in what it offers. But, it also has some extra features like being able to add a description to a task or a built in pomodoro timer.

Microsoft To-Do. Microsoft To-Do is a great free to do application because it has all the features and a little bit more than Todoist. This is why I would recommend it more than any other if you only want the basics and don’t want to pay extra.

Classic paper and pencil (or pen). A pen and paper is a great budget-friendly way to keep track of tasks. This is because the customizability of it is very good, however, you will have to spend time if you want it to look good. This is a good option if you like to write on paper and don’t want to keep track of all your tasks in an app on your machines.

I have seen many people saying that to-do lists are not as good as calendars. But for me, I do a lot of the same things every day and it would be very ineffective to use a calendar.

Calendars are used more often if you have dates for when things are supposed to happen. For example, if you have a meeting next Tuesday at 10 am, then use your calendar. You could also use both a calendar and a to-do list and it will be very effective.

If you are going to use calendars, I would recommend Google Calendar. Because it’s free and has all the features that anyone could need.


Having a to-do list is a good option if you want to alleviate the stress of all your tasks piling up on top of each other. However, if you want something else, use a calendar. Or you can use both.

Keep learning. Stay productive.

Have a great day.



Michael Bao

Neovim | Arch Linux | macOS | I love to write about random tech stuff. Tinkering around with Linux, Neovim, and computers.