To each his own professions

A poem

Wanita Isaacs
Mar 6, 2021


Image by Arek Socha on Pixabay

To each his own professions
Of love
Of life
Let there be no concessions
To ideas or ideals
Of ‘right’ or real
That are not your own.

To each her own failures
In love
In life
Let there be no erasures
Of emotions learnt
Through being burnt,
Own your own scars.

To each their own sacrifices
For love
For life
But let there be no compromises
In standards of self
Or diversity of wealth,
Which you own by choice.

To each our own gratitudes
Our loves.
Our lives.
But, please, no platitudes
Said without grace
Mindlessly. In the face
Of all that we own.



Wanita Isaacs

Writer, pathologically teaching-to-learn (those who can't do, ...). Ex-medical doctor, ex-corporate communications, ex-rat racer.