To Get Rid of Chinese Products, You Might Need To Burn Your House

Some of the key sectors of the Indian economy are critically dependent on China.

Shweta L
Published in
5 min readJun 29, 2020


Walk into any house — small, big, or a mansion, you will get at least 100 things which are “Made in China.”

The clip in your hair, the toy the kids are playing with, the nuts and bolts attached to your window, the remote control you are using for TV and air condition, the memory card in your phone, the computer keyboard, the pill cutter your mother is using to split the medicines, the hairdryer you are using every other day, the power bank, mobile battery, earphones and much more are all “Made in China.”

China is better known as “The World’s Factory” because of the efficient manufacturing business. The kitchen appliances, clothing, bed and linen, automobiles, electrical equipment, electronic items, toys, textile materials, stationery items, builder hardware, and much more.

The list is probably never-ending, but recently The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has prepared 3000 Chinese products flooding in the Indian market for centuries and decided to boycott it now.

