To Have More, You Should Embrace Disruption

Real Success Is Rarely Clean

Jake Daghe


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean,
but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” Proverbs 14:4

Solomon, King of Israel, was the wisest person to ever live. In the book of Proverbs, he helped pen over 700 pieces of sage advice, many of which have entered our common vernacular today.

These pieces of wisdom range from relationships, to wealth, to romance, productivity, and business. They describe situations of ruling and situations of following, of trusting your instincts and finding sage counsel.

Although these proverbs were written thousands of years ago, much of their wisdom is still very poignant today.

Take the proverb at the top of this article for example.

Most people want to be successful. If you went out to your local grocery store or surveyed a few local businesses and asked the first 100 people you met if they’d want an abundance of money and influence, they’d probably look at you like you’re a scam artist. But after some consoling and explaining, they’d almost all certainly answer, “of course!”



Jake Daghe

Creative Engineer writing working hypotheses | I write what I wish I could have read when I was younger | Join my newsletter ‘I/Q Crew’ on Substack.