To Love Yourself

A piece on self-love

The Literature Diaries
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2023


May Flowers — Louise Cox (1911). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

To love yourself
is to become
your own best friend.

To look into the mirror
and salute the soldier
staring back at you.

To hold the torch
for the teacher
who has guided you.

To uphold the promises
for the father
who has protected you.

To bow your head
and hail the leader
who has fortified you.

To raise your gun
and kill the enemy
trapped within you.

To love yourself
is to look into the mirror
and hold out your arms once again
to the child
you gave birth to.

What I believe self-love all comes down to is simply becoming your own best friend.

Of being able to look into the mirror and feeling truly content with the person staring back at you. Self-love is found in celebrating your uniqueness; your talents, your accomplishments and your…



The Literature Diaries

Perusing the world through the literary lens; illuminating the shadows of classical tales. https://linktr.ee/theliteraturediaries