To Write Listicles, Or Not

That is the question from a new Medium writer

Anita Durairaj


Photo by Victor Xok on Unsplash

I am either old or out of the loop because I had never heard of the word listicle until I started writing on Medium a few weeks ago. When I first heard of the word, I thought it was a joke. Why would you call something a listicle when it clearly rhymes with testicle?

Anyway, I found out soon enough that listicle is commonly used in the blogging world to mean an article made up of lists. On Medium, there seems to be two camps of people— those who are in favor of listicles and those who aren’t. It doesn’t go unnoticed that some of the top writers on Medium do use listicles quite often. In fact, every day Medium seems to crank out numerous listicles and I do enjoy reading them if I say so myself. Here is my 2 cents on listicles.

Disclaimer: This is not advice by any means. I am no expert writer. This is just my personal opinion about listicles.

Listicles can be fun to read and write

The best thing about listicles is how much fun they are. As I scroll through my Medium feed, sometimes I don’t feel like reading anything that might seem too complicated. A listicle sounds like just the right sort of article to select at that point. I am drawn to lists because I don’t have to search for the information…

