Today, I heard about a case of bullying in school

Sheryl Ang
Published in
7 min readJul 13, 2022


It’s not a big bully. It’s “mini-bullying”

Image Source: Author Owned

Her child and my son are the same age. It’s not a big bully. It’s “mini-bullying”, as my friend calls it. Taunts, jeers, laughing at. Almost every day. All done behind the teacher’s back. She laments about the benefits of homeschooling, and not having to deal with bullying. I empathise with her. While I would say that homeschooling doesn’t completely shield bullying, it does take away the intensity as the bullying is not a daily affair, and he does not have to see the same person every day. He’s given the space to breathe, work out his feelings and come out of it stronger.

Research done in 2007 stated that 1 in 5 primary students and 1 in 4 secondary students in Singapore are victims of a bully. I can only imagine the number increasing now with the prevalence of social media and the internet.

While I can’t take away what’s happening in schools, here are some things that you can coach your child to be more resilient when going through an episode.

Ask your child how they feel about the situation —

It is a fine line between teasing and bullying. Teasing tends to be more playful and fun, while bullying feels hurtful. Especially when we are not present to…



Sheryl Ang

About mindfulness, selfdirected education, homeschooling, parenting, and business leadership management.