Tom and Jerry

A husband-wife relationship is sometimes like Tom and Jerry — ’husband’ is Tom and ‘wife’ is Jerry

Kiranjeet Kaur
2 min readJul 28, 2021


Photo/Renate Vanaga / Unsplash

Oh, hubby! “You are Tom, I am Jerry",
Oh, hubby! “You are mute, I am cute",
Oh, hubby! “You are money, I am honey",

Oh, hubby! “You are a love bird, I am an angry bird",
Oh, hubby! “ You are heart, I am rhythm”,
Oh, hubby! “ You are silence, I am loudness"’,

Oh, hubby! “ You are tingle, I mingle”,
Oh, hubby! “ You are head, I am neck, ”
Oh, hubby! “ You are play notes, I am music,”

Oh, hubby! “ You are hope, I am aiming,”
Oh, hubby, “ You are Lock, I am key,”
Oh, hubby, “ You are flute, I am Fife”,

Oh, hubby, “ You are napping, I am dreaming”,
Oh, hubby, “ You are sweet, I am sour",
Oh, hubby, “ You are head, I am tail”,

Oh, hubby, “ You wipe, I tear",
Oh, hubby, “ You are right, I am fighting”,
Oh, hubby, “You are Tom, I am Jerry”!

The relationship between husband and wife is like “Tom and Jerry”. They fight each other, they love each other, but can’t live without each other.

Copyright Kiranjeet Kaur

Thank you for reading!!

