Tome of The Sixth Sun — A Cosmic Dramady

BETA Readers Rejoice!

Obsidian Eagle
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Over the past year, Yours Truly has been working diligently on his third novel, which is both a continuation of and departure from two previous books. Together these three form The Lunacy Trilogy. However it’s not a trilogy in the traditional sense and the current installment is highly experimental. Truthfully the author confesses to having a bad habit of reading trilogies by other authors in reverse. Because of this he gradually hatched a plan to write one of his own, which was actually meant to be read out of sequence.

What exactly does that mean? Well, mainly that there’s an underlying thematic thread running through each book. At first glance they may not be directly linked in linear time, but they always express similar ideas via their intricately intertwined narratives.

This described technique has given Obsidian Eagle the freedom to explore numerous avenues of storytelling. For example, he trespasses across genre boundaries between each chapter and therefore also writes character dialogue in differing ‘dialects’. There’s an ever ongoing shift from dark fantasy to science fiction and vice versa. Herein linguistic sleight of semantics is sophistical yet playful.

So far, only Hex Cycle I & II of Tome of The Sixth Sun are complete. However, Hex Cycle III is…



Obsidian Eagle

Anti-Poet (alike Nicanor Parra) Author of the Lunacy Trilogy. Extreme Linguaphile. Toltec Scribe; Herald of Quetzalcoatl | Visit Œ's Ærie: