The words that we speak often will be our last words?
Today I'm sharing about apart from the usual remember there are two words. This tongue can’t stay quiet, give it something to say.
The words that we speak often will be our last words.
I am repeating this. read to it carefully. The words that we will speak often will become our last words. What?
What? The last words that we will speak, will be the ones which will be spoken by the tongue often.
There are numerous incidents present in observations, books, and incidents.
The words that will be spoken often will become the words of our last moment.
The words that will be spoken the most, what do you think? if someone will recite ‘surah ikhlas’ frequently, on doing plenty of ‘dhikr’.
What do you think? isn’t Allah capable of doing/has power over everything and the most merciful that he will make those words his last words?
That those words become his last words. Allah is capable (and has power over) everything…
This is for Muslims… But anyone can recite their own god prayers…