Too Busy to Capture and Collect Your Thoughts and Ideas?

Tell me how great that’s going!

Tim Maudlin
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2020


Meme by Author via imgflip.com

Gene, Gene, Gene, you know better!

Can you spare a couple of minutes to learn from our guest commentators about the importance of developing a capture and collect method for your ideas?

Why the blank stare Vlad? Don’t tell me you forgot to write your idea down again!

Meme by Author via imgflip.com

You didn’t forget to write your idea down, you ate it! Nyet Vlad, Nyet! How are you ever going to collect your thoughts if you’re constantly giving yourself indigestion?

What exactly is collecting Thoughts & Ideas all about?

Meme by Author via imgflip.com

Thank you for asking Elmo. Have you ever had an idea and told yourself I’ll write that down when I get home. And then later you couldn’t remember? Or do you have list after…



Tim Maudlin

Podcaster | Storyteller | Journaling Coach | Want to Declutter Your Mind? I Encourage Creativity and Soul-Searching with the Power of Pen to Paper