Too Much

Life as a palindrome

A.L. Hogsett


Kuno Gonschior’s untitled. A repeating orange pattern swaying along tethered to dark roots.
Photo by the author.

There is nothing left to give away.
Trinkets lead to skin, lead to life,
lead to blood, lead to dreams,
lead to death.

What can anyone give when nothing remains?
Reshuffling the world into combinations,
waiting for an authentic moment to emerge.
Yet, Echo herself is still heard.
There is nothing new under,
over, beyond.

Fresh air has staled,
and people retreat to caves of mirrors,
reflecting sameness outside of time.
Bodies atrophy while vocal cords
play dissonant tunes.
The pencil is dull,
meaning lifeless.



A.L. Hogsett

My first goal in life was to discover something new, second was to read every book considered a classic, and third was to learn how to give myself stitches.