Too Much of These 3 Remarkable Traits Might Leave You Charmless

In a social context.

Aurellia T. Elisha


Photo by Nadya Glo on Unsplash

Listicles of remarkable traits of a successful person are great. It gives us a guideline of what to change to be better. However, what they forgot to tell us is that those traits are usually good only if you define success as making it big in terms of your career or business.

In business, if you make a poor decision, you learn from it and try again.

However, it’s different in personal relationships because it involves trust and feelings.

When you’re unable to charm the person you’re trying to connect with, they won’t be willing to give you their trust, and connection will stay as a wish.

You go home and think, “What did I do wrong?” while mostly focusing on the negative side that you might unintentionally show.

Sadly, a lot of people don't realize that sometimes, the traits that make them charmless are not those with negative connotations, but positive ones.

To avoid that from happening again, here are the three remarkable traits of successful people that might not be so remarkable!

1. Persistence

Persistence is good as it helps you when facing situations that make you feel like giving up…



Aurellia T. Elisha

Student. Life. Poems. Still trying to figure life out. Come to be inspired and be an inspiration.