Top 10 Series: Start Here if You Want to Read High-Quality Stories

A list containing all the Top 10 series listings

Dew Langrial


Images by StockSnap and Pexels

Our intelligence expanded and we entered this new evolutionary phase of highly connected intelligence after we learned to read and write. We would not be intelligent if we lived alone on this planet without the ability to talk with the dead — through reading books.

It is the company of these great minds — who wrote what they thought was important — that makes us more intelligent than human beings of any other era. The role of publishing and then online publishing can never be ignored in this evolution.

Let’s read some quotes about reading before looking at the listing of listings:

  • “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” — J.K. Rowling
  • “Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you.” — Barack Obama
  • “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” — Stephen King
  • “Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape; it’s a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it’s a way of making contact with someone else’s imagination after a day that’s all too real.” — Nora Ephron
  • “Reading makes immigrants of us all…



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: