Top 3 Powerful Life Hacks To Win Anyone In Life

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly playing a game of tug-of-war in life?

Kiran Maan
3 min readApr 16, 2024


life hacks
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

It seems like everyone else is pulling on the rope more while you’re trying to make a good impression, get that dream job, or handle a difficult conversation.

Well, stop worrying about it.

I will tell you 3 powerful life hacks that will help you to change any situation and win over anyone you meet. Even I tried this in my life and saw a drastic change in my life.

I will tell each point with my real-life experience so that you can get an idea, of how these points can help you.

1. Respond to Insults with Empathy

The best lesson, I learned in my life is that if someone insults you, pause for a second, look at them, and respond politely.

I was an average writer around 1 year ago when I started writing blogs. I found an opportunity to work as a content writer for a company. When I started doing my job there, one of my clients said, “This is something that anyone could do. It’s not a big deal to write anything”.

Rather than becoming angry, I inhale deeply, give my client a kind look, and inquire, “Are you okay? Not everyone will like these blogs, but is there anything else I can show you?”

Surprised by my calmness, the client struggles a little and admits they’ve been just having a bad day. After having a decent discussion about writing articles, the client left after giving me an offer to work with them after doubling the salary that I was getting previously.

2. Stay Calm and Appear Composed

If you are in an argument, keep your voice calm. It will give them the impression that you are winning the argument.

I am having a reputation at work for conducting meetings in a composed manner. My boss, who is infamous for his violent behavior, began criticizing my plan during a heated debate regarding a new marketing campaign.

But I inhaled deeply, met his gaze, and carefully addressed each of his arguments. Without raising my voice, I projected calmness and confidence.

By the end, the room was quiet, and my boss had approved my plan after noticing how composed I was under pressure.

3. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Win through your actions, never through your arguments. Always try to prove your point with action. Emotional arguments solve nothing.

Once I was excited to meet a big client(her name I can’t disclose), at a big event. In the course of a group discussion, she presents a business problem. Everyone begins formulating answers, but their concepts are ambiguous and unrealistic.

But, then, I recall reading a recent story about an identical situation in a different business.

Rather than entering the argument, I remain silent and then gently make my point afterward. I mention the article and its appropriate solution with composure, without shouting or claiming to know the solution.

Even I promise to send that client the link to the article later. She is impressed by this straightforward act of providing useful, practical information without any other goals in mind.

Her initial mistrust disappears and is replaced by an honest desire to communicate with me.

Life isn’t a competition, but it is a journey filled with interactions. If you learn these life hacks and include them in your life. You will definitely gain the upper hand not through brute force, but through empathy, composure, confidence, and strategic thinking.



Kiran Maan

✦ web developer ✦ MCA in web development ✦ Love to talk about Technology, AI and Programming tips and tricks