Top 4 Algorithm Patterns for Solving LeetCode String and Array Problems

Only 2–3 LeetCode Problems a Day is Enough!

Richard Warepam


Photo by olia danilevich

Before we get started, I want to highlight something about LeetCode. Solving a lot of problems at once isn’t what matters. It’s the consistency of solving LeetCode problems that counts in the end.

Think of it like mathematics, you need to practice every day to get better and master each type of problem.

When tackling LeetCode problems, particularly those involving strings and arrays, certain algorithmic patterns emerge as particularly useful and widely applicable.

In this article, we’ll explore the top four such patterns:

  • Two Pointers,
  • Sliding Window,
  • Dynamic Programming, and
  • Hash Tables.

Understanding these patterns can significantly improve your problem-solving skills and efficiency in coding interviews.

1. Two Pointers

The two-pointer technique is a simple yet powerful approach used in many array and string problems.

