Top 4 Magazines that Pay $1000–$2000 to Writers Per Article

You can earn money from these magazines even if you are not a pro

4 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Thousands of freelance writers are writing for various writing sites and magazines and earn almost $2000 per article.

However, all of them are not pro. Many of them have just started their freelance writing journey and some of them have already landed on well-paid online writing jobs.

Those who are earning from these magazines and sites aren’t better than you in any way, yet they are good than you because they are always searching for new avenues that can pay them best.

So, the best comes with the best search and the best practice.

If you are constant in your search, practice, and deliverance, you will surely land upon great paying jobs and who doesn’t want to have such a job!

But, remember, all this comes with passion, love, and consistency.

If you have these three things, you are the best fit for what I am telling you right now. Here are the Top four journals/magazines that pay you up to $2000 per article, isn’t that amazing?

1# VQR (Virginia Quarterly Review)

VQR is a journal of literature and discussion that has a long history of publishing established and award-winning authors. But they are also looking for emerging writers whose writing possesses the fragrance of fresh and unique ideas that inspire readers. They are always striving to keep onboard new writers who have the potentials to become brilliant writers one day and are already on the way to becoming one. The journal provides an easy and solid way to all those aspiring prominent writers by introducing them to a vast multitude of audiences and to other great intellectual minds who are already writing there.

If you like to grab the opportunity and shine on the perches of this great literary journal, give it many tries if it doesn’t work on the first. Because it’s hard to convince editors of such great journals to publish you. This should not discourage you from writing to them. It should rather be an opportunity for you as you are the one they are looking for.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that they publish of all sorts and lengths of poetry, short fiction ranging from 3,500 words to 8,000 words almost in every genre. They also publish non-fictional works ranging from 3,500 words to 9,000 words. In non-fiction, they are focusing more on your outlook about the world rather than your inner self. They actively publish historical and political analysis, reportage, art, literature, and travel essays.

If you would like to give it a try, check out their submission guidelines.

2# Earth Island Journal

Are you an environmentalist who cares about the degradation of mother earth? If you love to express your grief for the insensible use of our natural resources and want to comment on the current trends about the environment and sustainable living, this is your journal.

Earth Island Journal is actively looking for writers who want to write about nature, environmental concerns beyond the daily life news, a thought-provoking commentary on various perspectives such as local, Social, personal, global, and political and can relate it to the contemporary issues of the environment. The journal also holds a various competition and offer great monetary awards.

If you are feeling to write for them, check out their submission guidelines.

3# Longreads

The Longreads is yet another great writing platform out there that pays writers competitive salaries. They pay $1500 for 2000 words right away once your article is accepted. Now, you would be wondering they must be publishing pro writers who have a great name out there in the writing world. You are thinking wrong. They are always in search of new writers who can uniquely tell their stories. If you believe that you can write stories, essays, and articles compellingly, you will soon see your name on their featured writers’ list.

The topics they are accepting are also varied and large. Currently, they are looking for these topics: personal stories, arts and culture, books, crime, Current events, business and tech, food, essays, and criticism, sports, science, nature, unapologetic women, and interviews.

Here are the submission guidelines if you have a great story and want to send it right away.

4# The Sun Magazine

The Sun Magazine is the best and the most cherished platform for creative writers who love to write their personal stories in alluring ways. They are accepting almost all sorts of writing ranging from personal stories, poetry, memoirs, attributes, essays, fiction, photography, influences of current events, and many other topics.

They provide vast alternatives of choices and topics for writers who believe they can inspire readers through their writing. If you are one such writer whose words carry the essence of inspiration and motivation, pitch this magnificent magazine and earn $2000 for your piece of work.

If you have a great story and can’t resist the temptation, look into their submission guidelines and send your work right away.

