Top 5 Biggest Mistakes I Made in Business

So that you can avoid making them

Yana Hempler


Although I started my personal training business after graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, I still had to figure out how things work in “the real world”. Studying business is one thing but actually attempting to start a business and then successfully running it is a different ball game.

Chasing Goals by James Patrick

Therefore, my post-university entrepreneurship journey has had a lot of challenges, some of which were the result of my own mistakes.

Let’s take a close look at my 5 biggest mistakes:

  1. Not charging enough from the start. The truth is, you will always encounter customers who are bargain hunters and who will jump ship the moment you decide to raise your prices. At the same time, the customers who value the service you offer will be happy to pay a few extra bucks. Part of the reason I often allowed some people to negotiate a lower rate is due to fear. I was afraid of losing a potential customer. However, what ended up happening, at one point, was that I was overbooked and underpaid. Therefore, it is best that you charge what you believe you are worth based on your education, experience and the value of the service/product you offer. Don’t let fear dictate your rate. Be confident in your ability to get paid exactly what you feel you should be paid. Let…



Yana Hempler

Health, wellness, & personal development writer passionate for community connection.I cover topics related to fitness & business. Nationally Published