Top 5 Medium Writers in 2022 from Whom You Can Squeeze Motivation

And take your writing to the next planet !!!

Dharmesh Basapati
5 min readOct 21, 2022


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You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With

~ Jim Rohn

And I can’t agree with this quote more as this is true for each and every field of life wherever you are.

You can be anywhere in the world but you have to find those 5 people who can help you learn, grow, excel, and, of course, earn because there is a huge impact on those whom we spend most of the time with.

But as we all know in Medium or any digital platform, we may or may not know every writer personally.

Thus we make a list of some writers whose content we dedicatedly read and observe what they are doing unique in their blogs.

And surprise surprise, I am no exception, as I am writing this blog to convey my gratitude towards those brilliant and amazing writers whose content is my daily dose of writing motivation on Medium, at least.

That’s why I am writing this blog as a Medium Wrap-Up Party of 2022 to make it even more interesting to read for you lovely audiences aka readers. This is where we or just me (😂) announce our Top 5 Medium Writers of this great year. Here it goes:

Tim Denning (298k Followers) →

In his own words: Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship —

What do I admire about him?

There are lots of nuisances and hacks I have learned from Tim about writing on Medium and writing in such a way that can make your blogs go viral (the key is to write regularly).

Recently I took one of his free courses on how to get 10k views on a single blog post where he get along with Todd Brison in a discussion to discuss various tips and tricks we can use to improve our blogs and their structure.

His name and his blogs are all over my Medium feed and suggestions and the more I read his articles more I get curious about how in this world he can think of such amazing titles, subtitles, and most importantly the whole blog content and the words which are so to-the-point.

Zulie Rane (57k Followers) →

In his own words: Content creator, cat mom, 6-figure entrepreneur. She/her. Get 2x weekly emails on how to make money writing online:

What do I admire about her?

She is a true content creator as she writes on Medium, makes videos about Medium, and uploads on YouTube. She also runs weekly emails and newsletters and her different courses on various other platforms.

That is some sheer hard work and dedication towards writing and also expanding her wings by guiding other aspiring writers like us about how we can become successful as well and earn better on Medium or any blogging and content platforms available.

If I talk about her Medium journey, I was following her for a few years now and I even remember that time when I have seen her comment on one of the Facebook Pages for Medium Writers where we are both members.

At that time she is doing good but now she is on roll with her viral posts on Medium and informative videos on YouTube.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi (12.3k Followers) →

In her own words: 22x Top Writer | Linkedin Top Voice 2022. Helping you live a healthy & happy life through my writing. Free Side Hustler’s Checklist:

What do I admire about her?

Everything she does for her living.

She inspired many of us to become a solopreneur (If you have read her blogs, you know what I mean). She quits her 9–5 job which is a dream of many of us and started her journey.

She is everywhere where any person would want to be in this social media era.

She is writing on Medium, making videos about her life and experiences on YouTube, sharing her writing experiences and her career on LinkedIn, and selling her courses on GumRoad and everywhere mostly.

Sigh, that’s impressive enough for me to get inspired from and take her blogs seriously to improve my knowledge in writing.

Tom Kuegler (57k Followers) →

In his own words: Travel blogger. 29 years old. Currently in Mexico. Get my free 5-day Medium course via email →

What do I admire about him?

He is a true legend and one of the greatest writers on Medium (as far as I know).

He is flexible enough to switch from Medium to LinkedIn to YouTube to All over the internet as he has such a huge variety of content to serve his audience.

I know him from his publication named The Post-Grad Survival Guide where I have published quite some stories of mine and got good exposure. And I am really happy to hear that after a break on Medium his publication is now accepting stories from writers again.

There is so much to learn from his LinkedIn posts and YouTube vlogs as well where he is going crazy with his awesome life experiences and adventures.

Ayodeji Awosika (92k Followers) →

In his own words: Learn how to become a top Medium writer and make a living writing here —

What do I admire about him?

His presence on Medium is electrifying and soothing at the same time.

If you have not seen his posts on Medium, then you might be surfing on some other Medium, I guess. But If you are on the right Medium then there is a high probability that you might have come across his content on a daily basis.

He mostly writes about writing, life, motivation, and, creativity. And there is nothing he can’t write on. He is one of the gems of Medium according to me.

And to conclude,

I have not given them any rankings because I am not at this stage to rank them as they all have more followers than me which indicates that they have some exceptional skills in writing which we all can learn from and inspire from.

They all are different in their writing styles and they all write on different topics on Medium, but, one common thing which makes them all similar is that they all wanted to improve writing, improve Medium, improve blogging, and improve the writer’s community as a whole.

There are many other writers on Medium from whom I get inspiration but unfortunately, they didn’t make it into the Top 5 of this year. But I am pretty sure that I will get some more new faces of inspiration on Medium next year with some fresh content and a thought process of their own.

Till then,

If you liked this story and want to read thousands of stories like this on the Medium from me and different top writers, you can become a Medium member for as little as 5$ a month. If you’d like to support my writing, use my referral link , I will get a portion of your membership without any extra cost to you.

Kudos !!!

