Top 5 Most Demanding Programming Languages to Learn

These languages rule every year.

Nishi Kashyap


Photo by Gema Saputera on Unsplash

10 years ago, almost every person tried to become a lawyer or economist. Today, every second person tries their hand at programming. Why?

Because the demand for talented programmers is growing exponentially. It’s also a high-paying job.

If 2 years ago someone had told me I would do programming in my college, I would have laughed off at their faces, but yet here I am today in my sophomore year pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

Trust me, I was far, far away from computer programming, or you can say — ‘programming isn’t something that ever fascinated me’ they weren’t just my thing. But the increasing craze of people in programming and the growing demand for tech programming jobs made me doubt my interest otherwise.

The demand for computer scientists and software developers continues to grow. The year 2020 has given a massive boost to digital technologies and spurred the demand for developers and programmers.

Here are the statistics according to the report of Hired.

  1. The average salary of developers has grown by 7–13%, depending on the country.
  2. Demand for front-end and back-end developers has grown by 17%.



Nishi Kashyap

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴