Top 5 Most Important Things To Consider If You Are In/About To Be In A Relationship.

Trust and physical connection are important

Google Talks
6 min readJan 10, 2021


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Everyone deserves to be in a healthy, loving relationship with the right person they deserve. In this article, I dedicated myself to help everyone understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and the top 5 most important things to consider for a healthy relationship.

Now if you have or want a romantic and strong relationship, you probably want a healthy one, right? But what’s a healthy relationship exactly?

Well, it depends.

Healthy relationships don’t look the same for everyone since people have different-different needs. The need in a relationship can be either for affection, communication, sex, space, shared hobbies or values, and so on may change throughout life. Basically, a relationship that works in your 20s may be nothing like the relationships you want in your 40s.

In short, “Healthy Relationship” is a vast term because what makes a relationship thrive depends on the needs of the partners in a relationship. “One thing healthy relationships largely share is adaptability,” says Lindsey Antin, a therapist in Jackson, Mississippi, USA.

Though, a few key signs do stand out in flourishing relationships. Let’s have a look at some of the hallmarks of healthy relationships.

1. Trust:

Someone said, “Trust is the real key to unlock a healthy relationship” and that’s absolutely true that no one can deny. Trust is the faith you have in your partner that they will always remain loyal to you and love you. It involves honesty and integrity. You don’t keep secrets from each other because to trust someone means that you rely on them and are comfortable confiding in them and that’s how you feel safe with them.

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Trust and Honesty are the building block of any relationship, If the foundation remains weak, you can’t expect it to remain strong life long.

The hardest of the days will be survived if the base of trust is strong enough. But unfortunately, the lack of trust is one of the most reasons why relationships break.

When it comes to trust, it’s like either you are giving your 100% or 0%, you either trust the person or you don’t. There’s nothing in between.

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Often, even when we have burnt our fingers in the past, we tend to trust people repeatedly. Learning from our mistakes is a wise thing. Open up the conversations, admit the mistakes, giving the priorities, listening to the partner, physical intimacy, taking care of one’s interests, respecting the thoughts are the blocks that will make the trust-building tougher one day.

But remember one thing for sure, ‘It takes years to build and seconds to destroy.’

2. Open up the communication:

One of the most necessary things in a relationship is to have a healthy meaningful conversation between the partners. Partners in healthy relationships typically talk about the things going on in their lives, either it can be of success or failure, and everything in between.

Photo by Korney Violin on Unsplash

The important thing in conversation is to have a meaningful conversation listening to each other’s thoughts turn-by-turn. This way, you will be comfortable talking about any issues that come up, from things that happen in everyday life, such as work or friend stress, to more serious issues which can be about financial concerns or mental health problems.

Don’t assume your partner knows everything about you. A relationship should be based on COMMUNICATIONS, not on ASSUMPTIONS.

3. Interdependency:

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Healthy relationships are best described as the interdependency on each other. It means you rely on each other for all the mutual support along with maintaining your own identity as an individual. This makes the relationship balanced.

In other words, you know you have their approval and love, but your self-esteem doesn’t depend on them. Because it may harm and involve misunderstandings in the relationship later. Yes, you’re there for each other, but you don’t depend on each other to get all of your needs met. These things may look little but they must be cleared between the partners to have a happy life ahead.

4. Curiosity:

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Remember when your relationship was new and you couldn’t stop thinking about your partner? You wondered what they thought about the movie you just saw, how they gonna react to the thing you gonna say tomorrow, or maybe you worried about whether or not they were going to like the restaurant you chose & what they liked to eat?

Those feelings of excitement, nervousness, and curiosity serve a purpose in the development of relationships. It is the curiosity that propels us towards each other in the whole span of the relationship. In relationships where couples feel they can predict their partner’s reactions and emotions, curiosity naturally fades.

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Do remember one thing, always remain curious to know your partner more even if you know them 100%.

But this curiosity is the only thing that makes the relationships deeper and deeper day by day. In other words, it is an essential building block of intimacy.

5. Time apart:

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Often partners look back at the beginning of their relationships with great fondness. They remember all the dates, trips, and happy times discovering one another. Then work, meetings, responsibilities, the lawn, and all the hustle; all these things seem to conspire to require over your life. Your relationship is left longing.

There are 3 main ways to make time for your healthy relationship. You have to compel time to speak to each other, time to spend quality time, and time to connect emotionally and physically.

Time to speak to each other includes conversations about what is working well and challenges within your relationship. If you’re parents, use this point to debate over your dynamics as a couple. Making time to communicate about your relationship will help you avoid almost all the conflicts in the future and help you feel like a teammate with your partner.

Compelling time to have a date night and spending quality time are important too. Life cannot be all work. This could be anything from a flowery dinner out to a walk around town lake. Just taking a modest time to reestablish your romantic connection will strengthen your relationship.

Photo by Growing self

The last piece of time management for your healthy relationship is making time for your erotic selves. This piece of time is often sacrificed because of exhaustion, daily tired routine, work, responsibilities, etc. But, this time is one of the most important parts of a healthy relationship and it should not be sacrificed. Physical intimacy is the one that makes you feel the warmth of your partner. It could be a massage, might be a shower together, could be penetrative or oral sex.

It is not the activity that you simply do, it’s about maintaining your physical connection to nurture your relationship.

In the end, everyone wish for a healthy relationship but it is necessary to know that, no relationships are perfect, it should be made perfect and healthy by the effort of people in it.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

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Google Talks

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