Top 5 Takeaways from“The 4-Hour Work Week”

A list of life lessons from the revolutionary author Tim Ferris on how to achieve freedom with step-by-step guides.

Lucas Vilsen


A Best Seller

The 4-hour workweek is a book by the New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferris. He is an author of 5 #1 New York Times and The Wall Street Journal bestsellers and a lifestyle designer.

The 4-hour workweek is truly a masterpiece. In short, the book teaches you how to escape the 9–5, live anywhere, and join the new rich. Now, who is the new rich you might ask? The new rich are those whose currencies are time and mobility. They use these currencies to achieve full lifestyle design and freedom.

Why is lifestyle design so important?

When people imagine having $1 million, what they truly want is something different. They want the lifestyle that those kinds of money can provide. For that reason, the new rich focus on how to achieve the lifestyle they want.

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

The key to success

