Top 6 Ted Talks for Self-Growth

4 min readMar 8, 2023


If you’re stuck in a rut and need a little motivation…

Ted Talks are some of the most fascinating, informative, and inspiring online presentations. With thousands of talks available on a range of topics, it can be difficult to know which ones to choose. As a big fan of Ted’s, I researched some of the most popular and most-watched Talks on the platform and reviewed some of the best ones worth watching and rewatching.

  1. “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown
Brené Brown TEDxHouston

Brené Brown’s Ted Talk on vulnerability is one of the most viewed talks on the platform (over 60 million views). Here she discusses the importance of vulnerability in building meaningful relationships and living a fulfilling life. She talks about how it’s often viewed as a weakness, but anyone who has spilled their vulnerability knows that it takes great courage to share our true selves with others and be exposed to criticism and misunderstanding. Her humorous and relatable storytelling makes easy-to-digest this informative and an important topic. It’s a definite must-watch for anyone looking to improve their relationships and increase their self-awareness.

2. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek TEDxPuget Sound

Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk on leadership is one of the most searched and watched (over 62 million views), a highly recommended presentation by both business and self-help gurus alike.

Sinek dives into the secret of great leaders — “…the inspired leaders and the inspired organizations — regardless of their size, regardless of their industry — all think, act and communicate from the inside out.”

Here ypu’ll find the importance of starting with “why” when it comes to inspiring action and building a successful business or organization. Sinek uses examples from companies like Apple and Martin Luther King Jr. to demonstrate how a clear sense of purpose can make all the difference in creating a loyal following and achieving long-term success.

3. “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy TEDGlobal

Another favorite Ted worth your time is Amy Cuddy’s Talk on body language and power poses. It’s a fascinating look at how our physical posture can impact our mental state and confidence levels. Cuddy discusses the science behind power poses and how they can help us feel more confident and capable, even in high-pressure situations. This talk is particularly helpful for anyone who struggles with anxiety or impostor syndrome and is looking for practical tips to boost their confidence.

4. “The Art of Asking” by Amanda Palmer

Amanda Palmer TED2013

Before finding this Ted Talk I had to deal with my own difficulties with asking for help. It changed my mind on the subject and completely changed my life. Palmer’s speech on the art of asking is a powerful exploration of the value of vulnerability and connection in our lives. She shares her personal experience and her struggles as a musician which taught her the importance of asking for help and building genuine connections with her audience. Her speech encourages us to embrace vulnerability and ask for what we need, rather than trying to do everything on our own. This talk is particularly relevant in today’s world, where social media often promotes a culture of independence and self-sufficiency.

5. “The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor

Shawn Anchor TedxBloomington

Shawn Achor’s Ted Talk on happiness and productivity is a fun and engaging look at how our mindset can impact our work and personal lives. He reminds us how a positive outlook can improve our mood, energy levels, and even our brain function. He provides practical tips for cultivating happiness, such as practicing gratitude and engaging in regular exercise. This talk is a great reminder that our happiness and success are often intertwined and that we have the power to shape our own reality.

6. “The Surprising Science of Happiness” by Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert TED2004

Dan Gilbert, author of “Stumbling on Happiness” speaks on the science of happiness in a fascinating exploration of what makes us happy and how our perceptions of happiness can impact our lives. He delves into how our expectations can influence our happiness and how we can adjust our mindset to find greater satisfaction in our lives. Dan masterfully delivers all his evidence with funny remarks and references that are supported by his oratorial skills. If you want to understand the underlying science beneath what makes us happy be sure to check this one out.

In conclusion, Ted Talks offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration on a wide range of topics. Whether you’re looking for practical tips for personal growth or insights into leadership and success, there is something for everyone in the vast library of Ted Talks. The six talks discussed above are just a few examples of the best presentations available. So, take some time to explore and start your journey toward personal growth and development today.

