Top Five Best Belly Fat-Busting Vegetables To Eat

Combat belly fat by eating the right vegetables as often as possible

Ange Dim


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Combat belly fat by eating the right vegetables as often as possible

Why veggies, you say, and not protein?

Protein does play a big part in weight loss, but we often dismiss the powerful potential of eating the right vegetables.

Veggies are dense in nutrient value, and more than protein alone is needed to give you that powerful potential.

Specific vegetables play an important part in losing belly fat because of the many vitamins and compounds they contain.

I wish this list were available during my body-building diet phase. As I emphasised protein intake over vegetables, I lost many health and weight loss benefits.

I don’t want you to make that mistake and lose out.

Combine veggies with your healthy carbs and low-caloric protein sources — and you have a plate full of nutrients in belly fat loss heaven!

One: Eat your broccoli because for this reason



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: