Torn Asunder: Irrevocable Trust

Monologue trilogy: an erstwhile-loving family implodes

Elizabeth Emerald


Photo by luis yibirin on Unsplash

Cindy is the childless sister of Denny. Denny is married to Diana; they have two daughters. This


Once upon a time there was a close family, literally and otherwise. Parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins lived harmoniously within the boundaries of two square blocks.

Alas, this family did not live happily-ever-after. This is no fairy tale. I should know — this family is my family.

A year or so back, a friend of my parents was so envious of our snug extended family that she petitioned for us to adopt her. Lauren had a courier — her brother Paul in drag — deliver an “official” document in faux legalese, purportedly drawn up by a law firm.

The letterhead read: Attorneys I. M. Pompous and U. R. Pistoff. We filed it in our “funny” folder of cartoon clippings and assorted amusements.

No doubt Lauren would have retracted her petition forthwith had she known that within a week of its submission, Diana would flush the family down its communal toilet.

Suddenly Last Summer. The title of a 1959 film, about a scandalous family secret, starring Katharine Hepburn as the evil mother. Also, the title of a 2016 Lifetime Movie —…



Elizabeth Emerald

Kindly indulge my sundry (a)musings re living and loving. Please pass my words — wise and otherwise — to anyone who might relate and enjoy. Cheers.