Toxic Positivity — How to Avoid the Positive Cult Revolution

Tandreia Santini
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2021


When I first heard of the term toxic positivity, the title was offensive — an oxymoron. I could not fathom how being positive could be contaminated.

After researching the term and examining my life, people and situations, I began to understand it. I found this to be a valid term, and I lived in this daze of toxic positivity. I was avoiding my real emotions with forced misappropriated

positive quotes — pretending to be happy.

But how can you avoid this “feel good” escapism when it is everywhere — social media, work, plastered on shop walls, in music. I dived deeper into its meaning and began disengaging from this faux positivity mindset cult — I was no longer a devout member.

According to an article at well, What is Toxic Positivity, Toxic Positivity believes that people should maintain a positive mindset no matter how dire or difficult a situation. It’s a “good vibes only” approach to life.

Adopting this mindset gives you no room to acknowledge your authentic feelings. It’s shrouding your real emotions with positive thoughts with the absence of dealing with the real issue, making it impossible to heal.

Signs of Toxic Positivity

  • Feeling guilty or ashamed for…

