Toxic Work Environments

They can be more damaging than many think

Michelle Anderson


Photo by Dark Labs on Unsplash

Toxic work environments have been all over the news lately, on both sides of the border. Some people may look at these stories and wonder why employees stay. It is never a cut and dried answer; it is not always as easy as just walking away. Sometimes you have no choice but to stay and tough it out.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show

The Ellen Show debuted in September 2003 and since then has garnered an incredible amount of Emmy nominations and wins. It is a daytime talk show that epitomizes positivity and humour. It has a fantastic fanbase that tunes in daily for a bright spot in their day.

Who could have thought that a show that touts understanding and care for one another at its core, could have such a toxic base behind the cameras?

There are allegations of discrimination, a general lack of care for employees, and an overall fear of retribution if one should speak out. And it is not just one embittered employee making these allegations as the atmosphere seems to be rife throughout, with many employees coming forward.

The fallout has been so huge that there is even talk about replacing Ellen DeGeneres as the host.

Canadian Governor General, Julie Payette



Michelle Anderson

Insatiable reader with a passion for learning about anything and everything. Recently began my renewed journey into writing.